The sun clearly has a constructive influence on man. Perhaps because it gives off heat… something that is lacking in man… The sun is therefore also seen as a precious commodity by the sun worshippers. The temperature in the Netherlands is changeable and quite cold almost all year round, with some exceptions.
This can also be found in humans! People yearn for peace, and especially for warmth and love. But people often don't think this, or not enough! That is why the sunlight may be seen as a surrogate heat; the warmth and the associated long days, which people have been waiting for all year. People behave clearly differently when the days are really light and warm! Remarkable I would say… Why aren't people like this in all seasons?
It has been proven that the dark days in autumn and winter make people despondent or even keep them imprisoned by depression or melancholy, among other things. It seems as if man closes his own doors when it is dark… So no sunbeam either, and little or no joy and contentment to enter!
This can be called collective, as the majority of the population has forgotten to enjoy, combined with satisfaction, based on honesty, sincerity, understanding and respect! Because of distrust and lovelessness one is unable to feel real warmth, let alone give warmth! Perhaps people have also forgotten about feeling…!
Materialism, selfishness, envy, jealousy, disrespect and the like, are factors that do not adorn man and make man unworthy. The reason is not far to seek; it is already in man, for generations! Through ignorance and ignorance, habit and obviousness, this has not improved or changed. Laziness and laziness also play a role. This manifests itself in the self-evident nature of the force of habit.
The instinctive basic necessities, such as food, drink, safety and togetherness, responsibility and the associated habits, are known to humans and animals. Man, on the other hand, differs from animals, because man knows values and norms and also creates more and more values and norms. But due to, among other things, prosperity, competition, rivalry, envy, jealousy, ambition and greed, man has deviated from his intellect here and there and instinct has taken over. This can also be called automatism and/or survival instinct. It is for this reason that people sometimes deviate from their own course and show deviant behavior, in other words they cannot be themselves! What was previously experienced as certain may now be uncertain; what one has always trusted before, one no longer trusts or not so easily! Has one been mature before, now one has become immature and stands in the background, in the worst case one has been silenced! If earlier choices were made, now there is doubt!
'Nothing is as changeable as man' is a saying. Is man then shaky and does he allow himself to be tempted and misled again and again? Or does man still have so many sides and faces that he has not yet seen and discovered and can temptation and deception take place without people noticing it? In my opinion this has always been the case, with the difference that part of humanity recognizes this and is working to change it, while the rest of humanity neglects to do so!
The question is whether people are aware of this? Unfortunately not with all the consequences that entails! One has forgotten to feel; because of this, the right self-love is also not felt, which is essential for everyone! This love also contains the warmth that everyone needs! For real heat comes from within; the sunlight can be a supplement.
Through infirmities, as well as hardships of any kind, generations have produced numbness and inability to feel warmth for oneself; again with the necessary consequences! As a result, other priorities have arisen to compensate for the lack, such as materialism and status acquisition. However, this does not make man happy. There will always be a lack of a correct self-image.
Some go in search of themselves and learn to better understand themselves and the family. Others will remain as they are, without discovering themselves. People do not realize that the emotional, physical and psychological problems that arise as a result are passed on to the children and grandchildren. For generations people have lived without asking themselves how to replace or even solve the defects.
Is it negligence, ignorance, ignorance, laziness, laxity, laziness, domination, dominance or even selfishness? Not quite! The problem also has its origins in traditions and principles, in taboos and not to forget in shame! I assume at least something to do with the above! But I believe that one is never too old to learn! The question is therefore how important one considers oneself to submit to a self-examination?
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