When one has to define the word party, one usually thinks big. Celebrating a wedding, birthday, birth or graduation. The presentation, luxury and originality are essential. Costs are not important, even if you end up in the red!
Every effort is made to be as creative as possible. There is also an abundance of food and drink. On a holiday one can enjoy to the fullest. This applies to big and small. Showing off, showing off, flirting, gossiping; it is insurmountable at a party. Against will and thanks.
After such a party, one may wonder if one could be themselves. This in view of the many competition, inconveniences and unnaturalities that take place during a party. Have I been myself or have I allowed myself to be trumped by jealousy, ingratitude or venom? Have I behaved as I should or have I behaved like an animal…?
Fortunately, I am not bothered by this phenomenon. I make sure to be myself everywhere. I also have fun everywhere and in general. Wherever and whatever I do, I make sure that I recognize myself at all times.
A peculiarity or a special remedy, one might wonder. No, it's quite simple… I am happy and satisfied with every day. Without a tear of regret on my face…not even a wrinkle.
A simple trip with the right person that takes place with value. Any celebration, born of perseverance and the right intention, is a celebration! Every successful day that I look back on with satisfaction, appreciation, respect and love is a celebration!
All this has nothing to do with rank, status or capital. It does have to do with inner creativity, joy and simplicity. Without all this my life is barren and even fatal in some contexts! Satisfaction, the correct assessment of values, knowing pleasure and joy for the right reasons… these are the living conditions that can touch me deeply!
Every day can be a celebration if one really appreciates life. You just need to see it. Remove the stagnation that dishonors your life. Then you are better able to stabilize your life and give it a ten!
Don't forget to smile at your own mistakes and fix them afterwards. You can learn from every day, preferably with a smile on your face. It is very easy to judge or have someone pass judgment on you!
A day with insight and appreciation makes life pleasant and healthy! So you see that every day can be a party. This really applies to big and small!
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