Why is one unable to take life as it is? Why are people often dissatisfied with life and how does society respond to this? Why do people search, without results, for a better, more meaningful existence? Why not just give one's psyche a rest? Why do people torture themselves with questions that cannot be answered immediately, or even ever? Does one live life as one really wants it and imagines it... or is life subconsciously directed and lived?
I believe that life is not simple, but complex; a complexity in a complex called Life. It is actually a collection of generations of lives together, which one propagates from and with the psyche. This is also called behavior. Life has many episodes of development. This is also reflected in the development of the society in which we live. The only question is whether people can keep up with and accept these developments.
The psyche should be able to classify and process all these developments in the already existing hierarchy of the acquired and stored knowledge, sciences, traditions, disciplines, laws, rules and the like, which the previous generations have already established. Almost everything is reproduced and the psyche propagates this through behavior. People are conditioned with the behavioral data of mother, father, grandmother, grandfather and immediate environment. One continues habits and one does not stop to ask whether this is good. Whether or not it should be otherwise.
It is strange that ... fashion, technology, society ... change, but not the traditions, disciplines, habits, emotions (hate, greed, aggression, jealousy, etc.) ... People persist in their behavior and even reinforces it. One does not know how to change or improve this; the psyche turns out to be easy-going, stubborn or stubborn... After all, it has been that way for generations!
Perhaps people are not easily inclined to review, change or improve habits, because of the phenomenon FEAR. After all, people have always been like this… Why do you have to change? How should one change? And if one does know, often the motivation, the perseverance or simply the COURAGE is lacking.
FEAR and COURAGE are two opposites, but actually they work together; they sustain each other. People prefer to leave it with the old, because it feels familiar and safe. And that while people know or feel that this is not right!
That old, safe tradition right! Rather deny and turn a blind eye, than run out of time with family, friends or colleagues. In fact, people are afraid of being disowned, or being called to account.
My question is therefore to what extent people can and want to leave each other free. Are people prepared to break through situations or old traditions without harming themselves and others? The many vicious circles can be broken; one only needs the insight that this is necessary for the individuality of your life and therefore also of your existence. For this one needs COURAGE and unfortunately COURAGE cannot be bought and bribed! But COURAGE can be learned by seeing yourself as an individual and not as part of a genetic whole on which you have become dependent.
Time moves on without stopping; the human psyche continues to store everything. Impressions from the outside, aggressiveness, cheerfulness, impotence, despair, conviction; the psyche is a sponge, apparently absorbing and perceiving everything indiscriminately. It works impulsively and often disorderly!
It is therefore not surprising that people have lost their way for a while. Or that the behavior is not recognizable to the relevant psyche. The genetic psychological factors present, which are also stored in the psyche of the offspring, work for them as a matter of course, while this belongs to the mother or father, or grandmother or grandfather. The relevant psyche therefore experiences this as its own, while this is not the case.
It is not for nothing that the psychological problems are so great! Parents do not understand the child, the child does not understand the parents either, or one drowns out the other in such a way that there is little or no room for patience, respect, listening or obedience. This again results in distance, so that understanding, patience and respect for each other fade and everyone goes their own way. Harmony, warmth and togetherness are lost. There is disinterest; people understand each other the longer the less!
How do you get out of here? What do you need for this? Why has this problem become a common good for today's family? These questions include a certain chronology: the HOW, WHAT and WHY. These three essential words help to analyze the problem and come to a solution. Psychology and psychiatry have their own rules of conduct with their own laws and codes; these are located in every human being, passed on through genetics and learned through the direct and indirect environment.
It is often the case that people are not even aware of this data, but they do work with it! The question is therefore how well one knows oneself. It is sad when it is observed that one hardly knows oneself. People are not used to working internally, but only externally. That is, one is only focused on the outside rather than the inside of oneself. This results in the creation and absorption of outward-looking knowledge, aimed at societal growth. There is no room for individual growth. After all, one is not yet an individual, so not yet an independent being that functions individually.
The values and norms of daily life have shifted, because time is considered precious: time is money! Own pace with the inherent time, has become a thing of the past. In this respect, the younger generation is often unable to keep up with the older generation. A gap has emerged. This gap becomes increasingly apparent when you look at language jargon, definitions, traditions, habits, social skills, understanding, tranquility, patience and unconditional love!
Faith is yet another phenomenon! Life is turbulent these days. The basic social skills and necessities for a stable and structural life have been virtually lost. Young people, but also the elderly, often struggle with unknown and unfamiliar legislation. Many of those laws are based on commerce and taxation; also on preparing training courses to climb the social ladder as quickly as possible! Again to boost commerce and the tax authorities as much as possible! The strongest and smartest will rise to the top; although the question is in what way!
The weak will have to drop out to the bottom of the ladder and often they stay there! Because of all this there is unrest, rivalry, competition, envy, jealousy and fear of failure. This does not promote health, especially when youth generally appear to be insecure, either by nature or by the systems imposed on them.
Are people used to working with solutions through their own insight or do they work purely impulsively and naively? The first has to do with self-insight, courage and overview without working chaotic and disorderly. The latter has to do with not thinking and overconfidence. The first testifies to emotional maturity and structural personality, which in my personal opinion are scarce in this world.
This can be learned if one wants to see life in a different perspective. Everything starts with you, because you carry your own world with you.
How does one improve life with oneself?
How does one get to want to improve themselves?
Where do all these customs, traditions and principles come from?
What kind of progressions can one expect if one wants to take this on?
Independence in many ways, such as;
Is this feasible and affordable for everyone?
These necessities are hidden in every person, but the question is whether people want to know that it is there and whether they want to do something with it!
Improve the world, start with yourself! Age and status don't matter. What you need is the will and courage to discover yourself as an individual. Without harming yourself or the other, or the direct and indirect environment.
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